. at the risk of having spoken thus in these hubbubs of tongues – spoken of spokes’ slow inward radiation unto unary hub regardless of outcome , too very early-morning appearances , predations some say , retired multitudinous crime-stopper heroes circularly-arrayed randomly arising up knowl's flanks seeking this , a house of unfortunate dalliance , implications of Spring’s resurrections clambering upon Eastern sky .
. having thus drifted to leaving unintentionally bereft all you've so loved , to wish to continue , to care for eternally , and of their rules all in regard to .
. why they ought rule , and why they live so , and ask and demand so , all while meanwhile knowing neither why nor particularly caring , regarding your wherefores and so , having gathered , together these the more heroic , they and the hard-drives – innocent enough in one’s own inner thoughts yet to them though all too suspect , wrapped all thus far too rapidly , thoughtfully , such multitudinous layers , swaddling plastics , multiplicitously thin .
. and all this as though to bury them sometime , somewhere , farther afield amid some state of eventuality , all upon a fuzzier future , sliding as though on unforged banks of a slower slippage , buying some time but not enough and , having so left , drifting upward as though leaving the copse from whence said cops , all upon and all afield , energetically belated , resurrected into a more meager outdoors we –
- pillars and descendants of politicos among the porticoes drifting – afloat without belay into the on upward and as though being of ongoing tendency floating on up into thick air through this most habitual of reflexes , arising just there , barely out in the yard atop this an almost-grove and residual wintry clime aloft and adrift somewhere to doubt the portability of the Meanwhile Babe of Yore , his finger resting lightly then upon the lovely and wholesome placed just so upon the very middle of such an asterisk by the Creator in Question , climbing sedately , both the governmental pursuers – they the heroes of black and white TV shows who cased the joint – and
he , the me , the steadily upward in their case the hill in these very earliest hours of pre-dawn morning , arriving from every point of the compass rose upward , o inward-tending spokes gathering to so strangely accomplish previously-planned predatory desires – moving this their clever pack inward , all toward the me , the subject as is their object , their peculiarly-matched obsessions . thus this once upon a briefly interacted with , a TV cop in the line at the grocery , looking up unto my place so floating , several meters in the air , holding my hard-drives close against chest , unable to proceed further aloft as though due some peculiar effect of mass or propensity so finely tuned to the truth of simile .
. leaves but first greets me likewise he cordially enough ; “ hi ” and surname as though – if they spoke all in turn we did not know so , horsing meanwhile about upon friendlier fields of discourse sublime although , in regard to this exercise , our lives , this alleged freedom or paradise misplaced within the entrails just beyond its well-toothed smile , as though relating thus to some peculiar imbibability of byproducts more strangely desired but now forgotten by such a One or more than one hereof of a natural world , created in the sense of posited , arising as if or from the loins of this Deity or any That in the manner of squiring via squirtings and therefore thereof ; we of the most good and delightfully Meanwhile Baby Within , but grown now into governable good buddies , pals , colleague , explicit companionship , Talking Horse of the more minimal of air waves , childhoods lost amid sea-serpents who arose to save us from drowning and other ( “ most joyous ” , sayeth he so ) mutations of metaphosis , derivative devolutions we , scattered across hillsides , the flanks of Meanwhile before her enlargement , we these dissoluble shadows , ad hoc pinhole camera lucidas all made of leaves or nerves , clearly-beloved and the talking heads with such toothier truths as are hiring many alleged souls for any highbred hired bidder .
. in this manner , having grown up so , observing the church of TV thus , all stiffened with dread , well-absolved via wiles of our plush-toy government , overheard overhead in contrails each such conversation writ and recorded among pilots and angels , and here among we , still tenants in the Book of the Dead , sufficiently deft such governance to have recorded our each and every utterance – we – among this odor of heroes of shows , of law and of order , and much macho ennui draped across the points of expressions of our concern , all lost in regard to having been once or twice in such a danger ; his own government shall feast upon him upon Sunday as might well one partake of tea and biscuits and , inculcating in me thus these , my own set , concerns .